The charges for our services depend upon the following factors:

1. Area of law;
2. Complications involved;
3. Requirements as to Expertise;
4. Your financial circumstances; and
5. Forum before which the matter is pending.

Following are the basis upon which instructions are accepted by us:

1. Agreed Fees:
We, at the time of accepting instructions, agree to charge a fixed amount. You will not be expected to pay more than the agreed figure unless the matter is unusually protracted in some exceptional cases. Nevertheless you will never be caught by surprise and in the highly unlikely situation that costs increase, you will be informed promptly

2. Hourly Rate:
The Hourly rate of charging is purely depending on the level of expertise of a solicitor engaged and the complexity of work.

3. Conditional Fee (No Win No Fee):
Conditional fee agreements (‘CFAs’) are used in matters where the level of fee depends upon a particular event, usually winning the case. A CFA is a type of contingency fee which is permitted for contentious business providing it meets the requirements contained in 1990 (CLSA) (as amended by section 27 of the Access to Justice Act 1999 (AJA))
The CFA agreements were permitted around July 1998; the normal clause in CFA agreements is ‘winning’ therefore the CFAs are more commonly known as “no-win, no-fee agreements”. As a general practice the clients only have to pay our fees if they win, in which case we mostly recover our fees from the opponent. In any event the clients do not have to pay where their claims are unsuccessful nevertheless liability is incurred with respect to opponents’ costs. The risk of paying other side’s costs can be covered by obtaining insurance (After the event insurance) that can be obtained to cover this liability and in case of winning the cost of the premium can also be recovered from the other side. The CFAs with appropriate insurance policy can therefore eliminate/minimise most of the financial risks.

4. Pro Bono
We also provide services for free of cost provided we are satisfied that a person would experience injustice for the lack of funds and resources to appoint a lawyer. We may carry out an income and expenditure assessment in order to establish if you qualify for free services.

5. Legal Aid Funding
We are not franchised with LSC on legal aid funding

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MQ Hassan Solicitors is authorised and regulated by The Solicitors Regulation Authority in England & Wales. The Solicitors Rules are available at

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